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Turkey is a treasure chest of ancient history.


   Open it and discover the events and people who have shaped this varied land.


   Turkey was home to an astounding number of ancient cultures and the cradle of 10 of the world's

   greatest civilizations. From Hittite and Assyrian to Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine cultures, each

   group has left relics that can be found in many corners of the country.


   Where else can you find so many scientists, philosophers, gods, authors religious and political



   Here are some of them;


   The god of the art, Apollo;

   the goddess of fertility and abundance, Artemis;

   the goddess of love, Aphrodite; Mevlanathe philosopher who said "Come again, whatever you are";

   Cleopatra, who chose the Mediterranean coast for her honeymoon;

   Virgin Mary, St. Mary Magdalane and St. Johnsaints who found peace in this land;

   Yunus Emre, the poet of the love still alive in our hearts;

   Father Christmas, who still visits childrens' dreams;

   Alexander the Great, who could not resist the temptation of Anatolia;

   Thales, the mathematician who predicted the eclipse of the Sun;

   Sultan Suleyman the Magnificient, famous for his laws;

   King Midas, who wanted to turn everything into gold;

   Fatih Sultan Mehmet, who conquered Istanbul, one of the most beautiful cities in the world;

   and those who created the poetry of this city,

   Orhan Veli, Piyer Loti, Yahya Kemal and Lamartina

   the famous admiral Piri Reis, who prepared the first correct maps of America and Atlantic Ocean;

   Nasreddin Hoca, famous for his witticisms;

   Barbaros, hero of the seas;

   and the charismatic leader who founded the contemporary Turkish Republic, Ataturk...


   Adding to this historic panaroma are elegant mosques and Ottoman palaces, intriguing bazaars,

   outstanding cuisine and scenic coastlines dotted with resorts and yatching marinas.


   Travelling in Turkey means passing from one scene, legend or world to another. Crossing the endless

   sunflower fields of Thrace, you will find yourself in the magical vistas of Istanbul.


   While travelling along the Aegean or the Mediterranean coasts, you will see how the blue sea embraces 

   the fresh green of the forests. Stop by Ephesus, the most fabled city in Asia Minor, to see one of the

   Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the remains of the Temple of Artemis. On the Black Sea coast,

   you will discover many different tones of color and will be fascinated by the intensity of emerald- like



   In Central Anatolia, visit the Goreme Valley, an eerie corner of the Earth resembling the lunar



                  Come, let's know each other
                  Let's make things easy
                  Let's love, Let's be loved
                  This world will remain to no one
                                                        Yunus Emre
   The varied geographical characteristics of Turkey; faciliate many sports and holiday activities. Our country 
   offers you many ideal bays for wind surfing and endless beaches for sand surfing. You can discover a lot 
   by diving into mysterious deeps waters. Are you interested in hunting, ornithology in flora or carves? In 
   Turkey, you will find ideal chances for investigating all of these. Do you like hiking, camping at plateaus, 
   parachute diving or balloon excursion? 
   Come to Turkey! 
   Are your hobbies tennis, skiing, climbing or grass skating? Fishing? Having your fun in local festivals is a 
   particular pleasure. And a special pleasure if you win a prize in the contests. But what you really win, is 
   coming to Turkey.
   Shopping is the indispensible pleasure of any vacation. Its appeal increases because of special handcrafts 
   which vary from one region to another in Turkey. The bazaars, carpet and kilim workshops, and copper 
   working shops ar very colourful shopping places where Turkish handcrafts are produced. World famous 
   Turkish carpets and kilims are matchless with respect to quality and beauty. World famous Turkish leather 
   and textile products bejewell the shopwindows with latest fashion in the larger cities and touristic centres.
   Turks and the Republic of Turkey: 


Turks originated from northeastern Asia, specifically the Altai mountains and Mongolia. Continued

migrations enduring for centuries account for the mixing of Turkish and local populations in the former

Soviet Republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

Evidence of Turkish presence can be felt in the Middle East, in central and Mediterranean Europe, and

in North Africa.

The Seljuck Empire was the first Turkish Empire in Anatolia. After the decline of the Seljucks' influence,

Anatolia fragmented into a number of small states. The Ottoman Turks unified these separate units.

The Ottomans ruled for more than six centuries (1281-1922), in part because of their system of

government allowed flexibility in the practice of diverse religions, languages and cultures.

The 18th century marked the beginning of the decline of the Ottoman Empire. The decline continued

until World War I (1914-1918), when Ottoman armies fought and lost on several fronts throughout the

empire. Eventually, Anatolia was divided and occupied by the allied forces. Although the Ottoman Empire

was dissolved, the fight had just begun for the Turkish people.

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a highly respected army general from World War I, led the Turkish people in their

War of Independence (1919-1922) against the allied occupiers. It was the first war of national liberation in

this century. And, Ataturk founded the Republic of Turkey on October 29, 1923. As the leader of the new

nation, Ataturk created the foundations for a modern, secular state based on human rights and

fundamental freedoms.

Turkey is an element of stability in an otherwise turbulent part of the world. As a modern, secular

democracy with free market economy, Turkey will continue to expand its role as a commercial, political

and cultural link between the Middle East, the Caucuses, the Balkans and the West.